The Palaeolithic site of Atella, identified in the early 1990s, is situated near the modern municipal cemetery. The stratigraphy of the site revealed its location on the banks of a lake, which no longer exists, created during the formation of the Vulture volcanic complex.
The excavation work revealed the presence of bone remains, especially of Elephas antiquus (ancient elephant) and Bos primigenius (primitive ox), of a very special lithic industry in which the 'instrumentarium' is largely made of porous radiolarite, a very light stone.
Of particular interest is the discovery of sub-circular depressions in one of the stratigraphic levels of the lake deposits, in which the excavation opens, which have been interpreted as the footprints of an elephant that had become bogged down near the lake shore during a night hunt.
The detection of hordes of hunters from the Lower Acheulean, dating from between 700,000 and 550,000 years ago, has enabled us to understand the specialised hunting strategies employed for large mammals.
How to get there?
The site is located near the Atella cemetery, on the outskirts of the town (Località Cimitero, 85020 Atella).
Further information:
tel. 0972 716612 (Municipality of Atella)
Mobile 333 7968732 (Pro Loco)