Geomorphology of the Park

The formation of the Vulture area can be traced back to an intense and repeated seismic event that took place around 5 million years ago, during the Cenozoic era, and was due to the movement of two enormous plates on the Earth's surface—the African and the Eurasian—which collided along the eastern strip of the southern pre-Apennines.

The African plate forced the rocks of the Apennines towards the east, causing them to overlap those of the Eurasian plate; the latter, on the other hand, tended to sink and slide underneath. This sub-slip phenomenon affects the entire area represented by the Apula Platform, which stretches from southern Salento all the way to, and including, the Gargano promontory.

Along the front between the two plates lies a large depression running southeast - northwest, known as the Bradanica Trench.

At the intersection of this large tectonic discontinuity, sub-crustal magmas, subjected to intense pressure, were forced to flow into the rifts and rise to the surface.

This is how imposing volcanic formations are created, one of them being the Vulture.


Geomorphology of the Park
The Vulture
History of the area
Ecosystem and conservation projects

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